Friday, August 11, 2006

The Story Behind a 4.10am Phone Call

Terror on Melbourne Streets

After deliriously having pressed the wrong button and hanging up on a phone call during the early hours of Friday morning, I lay in bed wondering why on earth someone would have called me at this ungodly time. Not even with the possible stories running around in my head at that time could I have imagined the horror facing 'Neale' and his friends after a quiet night out.

'Neale Watson', 'Jack Haughton' and 'Tom Tronso' (not real names), were on their way home when they found themselves passing a McDonalds. They requested the taxi driver to pull over and wait for them while they went in to quench their hunger. The taxi driver refused point blank to do the friendly thing, and, rather than then informing them that they had to pay him, attempted to force the boys back into the cab. The cab driver, named Habib, who wore an eyepatch and had a hook in place of a missing left hand, began to get increasingly violent and that's when the real activity of the night began.
'Neale' answered questions about the incident exclusively for Oddes and Associates.
'We just asked the cab driver if he could wait for 5 minutes while we ran in. Doesn't he know that after a few drinks you get hungry like the children of Africa?'
Clearly, he didn't. After the boys rightly refused to pay Habib after he became aggressive, the cab driver tried to hold the boys down and told them he was calling the police. Fearing for their lives, the boys fled into a nearby supermarket carpark.

This was only the start of the horror that faced 'Neale' and his friends that evening, as Habib, who psychologists we contacted said appears to be showing signs of
Angryatwhattheworldhaddealthimitis, continued to stalk the boys while in his car. When he spotted them, he began to chase the boys, who remained on foot, in his car. Once again fearing for their own safety, the boys fled into an alleyway and tried to hide within the garbage. The cab driver proceeded to get out of car, and fetch what appeared to be a long metal pole from the boot of his cab. He then stalked the alleyway, with the boys fearing that he would strike them with this pole if he saw them. After a number of close calls, Habib failed to spot the boys and drove off in his car. The boys then fled the alley, climbing a large barb-wired fence (which has caused permanent scarring to the each of the boys' hands, and caused thousands of dollars damage to expensive designer clothing which was ripped), and continued to run for a number of minutes into an open park. It was at this stage that 'Tom' went missing from the group.

Just when the 'Neale' and 'Jack's' hearts were beginning to slow down and they began to worry about the whereabouts of their friend, they heard the screeching sounds of a car breaking and turning quickly. They turned to see, to their horror, the taxi driver moving at break-neck speed towards them. Without having time to think, the boys jumped into some bushes in order to hide Habib, who the boys recall to have smelt distinctly like alcohol and bomb making equipment. Habib then formed a stake-out, sitting in his vehicle shining full-beam lights into the bushes. The boys, still fearing the worst for their missing friend who they assumed to be dead and in the boot of the maniacal cab drivers car, were forced to sit and wait for two long hours in the freezing cold temperatures before the taxi driver, who the boys could see was continuing to drink from a hip flask during the stake-out, turned his car around and drove away.

After several desperate attempts to locate their friend 'Tom', as well as glancing looks over their shoulder for Habib in his yellow and green stationwagon from hell, 'Neale' and 'Jack' began attempts to call friends to rescue them. After several anxious hours, a friend was able to come, and picked the two shaking boys up and took them home. They used the remaining hours until day break attempting to call 'Tom's' mobile, but all they managed to do was leave several messages.

Today, Tom remains unaccounted for and presumed dead by police.

If you see a cab driver named Habib with an eyepatch and a hook in place of his left arm, police urge you to contact Crime Stoppers immediately.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd say a fairly accurate account, however am interested in what your thoughts are of the moral of the story

6:38 PM  
Blogger ODDeS and Associates said...

The moral to the story is always eat before getting in a taxi.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even though some details may have been warped in the name of a good story i can assure you that the member of the three boys did end up arriving safely home even though he was bleeding from jump;ing a fence to escape the lunatic

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm. a thoroughly disturbing - nay, chilling account.
however: how did you find out his name was habib?.. i mean seriously, who cares enough to asl a taxi driver his name?

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not sure if u realised that this was based on tru events, the cabbies name "habib" was made up

8:20 PM  

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